If you need to make an easy transition form amalgam to composites, then Cosmedent's Matrix bands are just for you! Separating devices are no longer necessary if used in conjunction with the Renamel Posterior System.
Plus, posterior composite restorations can be performed in a similar fashion to amalgam restorations.
• Ultrathin.
• Allows for more consistent contact area development in the posterior dentition.
• Tofflemire retained.
Excellent diamond polishing kit for Nanofill and Microhybrid Composites
If you need to make an easy transition form amalgam to composites, then Cosmedent's Matrix bands are just for you! Separating devices are no longer necessary if used in conjunction with the Renamel Posterior System.
Plus, posterior composite restorations can be performed in a similar fashion to amalgam restorations.
• Ultrathin.
• Allows for more consistent contact area development in the posterior dentition.
• Tofflemire retained.
Important !
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